Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Phases of the Moon


Native Language
Lunar Phases
Oy fazalari
The changing shape of the bright part of the Moon that we see.
Lunar Revolution
Oyning yer atrofida aylanishi
Time that takes Moon to revolve around the Earth.
When the bright part is getting bigger.
When the bright part is shrinking.
New Moon
Yangi oy
When the Moon is not visible.
Crescent Moon
Yarimdan kichik oy
When less than half of the Moon is visible.
Quarter Moon
Yarim oy
When the half of the Moon is visible.

Gibbous Moon
Yarimdan katta oy
When the more than half of the Moon is visible.
Full Moon
To'lin oy
When the entire Moon is visible.


There are 8 phases of the moon. They are New Moon - not visible, Waxing Crescent - less than half of the Moon is visible, First Quarter - half of the Moon is visible, Waxing Gibbous - more than half of the Moon is visible, Full Moon - the entire Moon is visible, Waning Gibbous - more than half of the Moon is visible, Last Quarter - half of the Moon is visible, and Waning Crescent - less than half of the Moon is visible. Our Moon takes 29.5 days to revolve around the Earth. The Moon gets its light from the Sun. When the bright part is getting bigger, the Moon is waxing. When it is getting smaller, the Moon is waning.


How is earth affected by movement (revolution)?

As Earth revolves around the Sun, it causes seasons and tides. When the Earth revolves, its axis points to (direct sunlight - Summer) and away (indirect sunlight - Winter) from the Sun. When sunlight hits the equator, we have Spring and Autumn. Earth's revolution also causes tides. When Sun ,Earth, and Moon are at the right angle, it causes Neap Tide, and when they are at the straight line, it causes Spring Tide.


1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I most enjoyed working with my group members and learning many things together.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging things during this project were helping my group member how to pronounce the word "waxing" and filming the video.

3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
Some new skills that I learned from this project are "be patience, no matter what!" and use your time wisely.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
The thing I could have done better are use my time wisely, because all of the groups were finished with there video, while we weren't ready.

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